How Mastercard and Bilderberg Group have sabotaged Bitcoin (BTC)

You can read on the front page of Bitcoin’s whitepaper from 2008 that Bitcoin was intended as a very efficient means of payment that worked peer-to-peer, i.e. without an intermediary between the payer and the payee. Bitcoin could thus become a serious competitor to, among others. Mastercard, VISA, central banks’ physical cash and partly retail banks’ payment[…]

Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) proves that it can scale to massive use

Since just after Bitcoin’s inventor Satoshi Nakamoto published the “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” whitepaper in 2008 there has been discussion whether his invention can scale to massive use. Satoshi Nakamoto said it could. Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV), which follows the original vision of Satoshi Nakamoto, proves that it actually can scale to massive[…]

Bitcoins oprindelige design (BSV) 150.000 gange billigere at bruge end det som mange kalder Bitcoin (BTC) 

Foretrækker du nutidens inflationstilbøjelige og relativt ineffektive penge som magthaverudpegede organisationer kan lave flere af ud af den blå luft, eller foretrækker du mere effektive blockchainpenge uden særprivilegier til særligt udpegede og som samtidig giver rimelig god privatlivsbeskyttelse? I efteråret 2008 offentliggjorde nogen der brugte pseudonymet Satoshi Nakamoto et såkaldt whitepaper med titlen Bitcoin: A[…]